Today we shall go through the steps on how to rank number 1 on YouTube. We need to add video marketing in the online marketing plan. The number 1 reason to add video marketing is that Google is showing video results in its SERP. Video content is easy to absorb in comparison to the text base content. Other than that, a video content, if created smartly, give more value to the prospects. Through video content it is possible to demonstrate the matter.
Creating and publishing video content is one thing and rank number 1 on YouTube is another thing. In creating a video content, you will need to adopt a practical approach to the matter. You craft the video by adding some Text over video and some background music. On the other hand, in promotion of video content to rank number 1 on YouTube you need expertise like a professional.
Today we shall look into the tested and proven strategies to help you rank number 1 on YouTube.
Strategy # 1: Front load your keyword to rank number 1 on YouTube
If we go back to the SEO basics, we are always told or taught to put your keyword at the very beginning of your title. Well in the text base content we don’t follow this rule rigidly. May be, we thought that the competitor is already using the keyword at start so we should go different. This to me is not a good reason to not put the keyword at the very beginning of the Title of your webpage.
While working on to rank number 1 on YouTube, it is highly recommended to put your keyword at the very beginning of SEO title of your video. The practical reason behind this strategy is that Google always grade high to all the videos having the main keyword at front.
Strategy #2: Boost video engagement signals
What exactly are the video engagement signals? How these video engagement signals help your video to rank number 1 on YouTube? How these video engagement signals can help your video content to rank higher than others?
From a study of 1.3 million video screening, it is concluded that a video having high video engagement signals will get higher rank than other videos, no matter who uploaded it. Please note down the most important video engagement signal is getting more comments. A video which gets more comments will get higher rank by the YouTube.
To get more comments you need put a hyper – specific CTA (call to action) at the end of the video works best to get more comments in your YouTube video.
Most of the YouTubers or online marketers put a CTA which is kind of a push to make a particular action for example a push message to subscribe, or like or comment or share. This doesn’t work, really. A video with genuine content can earn you like, share, comment and subscribe. The other thing is to interact with the viewers by asking them some question or giving them opportunity to participate with comments. If the viewer get both these reasons they will react and the video content will earn comments to boost video engagement signals. This will ultimately help your video rank number 1 on YouTube.
Strategy #3: TAB Formula for video Tags
It is observed that YouTubers tried to put Tags in their YouTube videos according to what “professional YouTuber” says. In the learning about YouTube video marketing it is taught to use Tags to your videos. Now what happened, everyone start putting as much Tags as much is possible. At the end of the day they are actually confusing YouTube or Google to learn what exactly the channel or video is all about. If YouTube or search engine is not clear how would you get number 1 rank in YouTube?
To make the equation simple we need to follow TAB formula for video tags.
T: make sure your first tag is your targeted keyword
Put your main keyword as your first tag in the video. This way you are going to make your video specific about what it is all about.
A: use alternative version of your main keyword
You should use alternate version of your keyword to let YouTube learn in broad spectrum of your main keyword and the content of your video. You can get the alternate version of the keyword from YouTube suggest by putting your keyword in search box.
B: Use braod keywords for tagging
Use broad match keywords for tagging your video in YouTube in combination with Target keyword and alternative keywords. These are the keywords which you are sure that will give you a reason to get found. But again make sure not to over tag a video content.
Strategy #4: CTR Magnet Thumbnail
YouTube allows you to put a thumbnail to your video every time you upload a new video. This thumbnail will the first interaction of your video content with the viewer. You need to follow two things to get your video content out of competition and get more click through rate to rank number 1 on YouTube.
The first thing to follow is to avoid using YouTube color scheme. You would have noticed that YouTube is a combination of three colors; Red, White and Black. You should use colors other than these three colors but a combination of actionable colors.
The second thing is followed to make your Thumbnail stand out of competition and to get more attention in the crowd is to use a text over video of 30 characters max.
Strategy #5 Mini Blog post for your blog description
Video description in YouTube matters a lot as it gives a clear picture of your video content to the YouTube. Most of the YouTubers don’t really understand the value of description in general and long description in particular. This is true to note that description of a video content help understand YouTube what the content is all about the video. The more content close to the need of the user will help better rank number 1 on YouTube.
Otherwise, if you are aiming to go for a long description, you should target to go with a mini blog post to add, instead. You should target to go with a description from 100 to 200 words at least. To create a long description, you should outline the content of the video content you are going to publish. A description between 100 to 200 words can give a glimpse of the video but to get to the detail viewer will need to watch the video.
Strategy #6: Boost video length
You would have watched a lot of videos on the YouTube of many video lengths. If you are watch a documentary you would have noticed it is way long. On the other hand, a descriptive or how-to video are precise, to the point and short in length.
Most of the time we are creating, publishing and promoting video content related to our business. In this case we are detailing something to address an issue. YouTube loves to let the YouTube video viewer spend more time on the social media channel. For the purpose YouTube love a video of average 14.50 minutes long videos. But on the safer side you should create a video of 8 to 15 minutes of length to let the video the rank number 1 on YouTube.
Strategy #7 use Brackets and Parenthesis in the Video Title
In the beginning we discuss the use of upfront keyword in the video title. This make your title stand out in the competition. If you want to make your title to earn 38% more click you should use Brackets and Parenthesis in the video title. Adding brackets and parenthesis in the video title means add something actionable. For example; if you write a video title like;
Video Marketing Tips: 10 ways to get more views (TODAY)
The probability of getting a click increases 38%. This means you are adding 38% more probability to rank number 1 on YouTube.
Strategy #8 Rank in suggested video
It is always the target to get quick clicks on your video very after uploading your video. The quick and easy way to rank in suggested video. Suggested video is one which shows up next to another video in the sidebar in YouTube. This is the quick way to steel some of the views of the other video.
For the purpose you need to look at the videos which are ranking good in the niche. Once you have selected the videos you want your video to become suggested video, use the same tags as of the selected video. When YouTube sees the similar Tags as of selected video, it considers your video as on the same topic. Which means YouTube likely to rank your video as a suggested video.
Strategy #9 Follow what really works from Analytics
Yes, this is very simple rule to repeat and apply something which retain the viewers. For the purpose go to YouTube analytics and find the video which is most popular. Then go to the Audience retention tab and check the section of the video which gets more retention. Then go to that time slot and find out what you did which attract the viewer most. Repeat it on your next video to create the reason to help get rank number 1 on YouTube.
These 9 steps are tested and proven methods of real YouTube professional and will help you rank number 1 on YouTube. There’s always room to learn and we will love to listen from you to improve our knowledge as well. Happy sharing.
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