Guest Posts

Submit Your guest posts to Outreach Bee’ Blog for FREE​

At Outreach Bee, we are always looking for guest post submissions about Digital Marketing for our blog, where we regularly feature intelligent, insightful writing about this powerful marketing paradigm. If you have exceptional blogging skills and would like to share your Digital Marketing expertise with our readers, we welcome you to submit your guest posts free of charge!

Guest Posting Benefits

Guest posting brings you two huge benefits: gaining Popularity and Getting natural Backlinks to your site.

Submitting your articles as a Guest Blogger or Guest Author through Outreach Bee’s blog gives you high-quality backlinks which will help you rank higher on search engines and increase your domain authority.

On top of getting backlinks to your site, your name gets out there in the blogosphere and across social media. You become better known to businesses and consumers in your niche, and your knowledge becomes more widespread as well. You’ll see fresh visitors to your site, and people will begin to view you as an expert. This can pay huge dividends down the road.

How To Submit Your Posts for Consideration

Please send us your articles to the email address anamaria @ outreachbee .com. We will carefully review all submitted articles. If they are relevant to our readership, we will publish them. We will contact you at the e-mail address you provided to let you know if your article has been accepted for publication. Depending on our article queue, this could be one week or longer from the time of your submission. After your post is published, it will be promoted through our social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

To maximize the exposure of your post, it’s a great idea for you to share the link on any relevant social media channels you use. If you maintain your own
e-mail distribution list, be sure to feature your article there as well.

Please note, as editing the articles involves human labor, they will not be removed from the blog after they have been published.

Guest Posting Submission and Policies

Please follow these policies to submit your posts to The Outreach Bee Blog. Please keep in mind that this blog features articles related to Digital Marketing only, and all links will be Nofollow.

Titles should be short and speak directly to the content of your piece. Lead paragraphs should be strong and to the point — do not bury your leads.

We will review all articles to determine whether they align with our content strategy and meet our editorial standards before publishing them on our blog.

To adhere to Google’s guidelines for guest blogging, articles that are clearly intended as link-building schemes will be rejected. Please be thoughtful about any links you include in the articles you submit for consideration. If you’ve recently run afoul of Google’s policies, sorry, but you cannot use a guest post on our blog as a way to clear your profile. Please note: Links will be nofollow.

Articles should feature engaging content that educates/informs our target audience of digital marketers. Each article should be original, well-written and well-researched.

Articles should have at least 2000 words, but please make your post as long as it needs to be in order to maximize its quality and ensure its comprehensiveness.

Articles should include 1-3 internal links.

Articles should include 1-3 outbound links to relevant authority sources to support your content.

Articles should include a feature image (optional) that matches with the post content in order to make it more appealing. (Attention: Outreach Bee is not responsible for the copyright of any images you submit to us). The width of the image should be around 1200 pixels and the height around 500 pixels.

At the end of the article, don’t forget to include a short (1-2 sentence) author bio with a maximum of 1 anchor text link to your own website or social media account and a photo of you or your blog’s logo. This is crucial to your backlinking efforts.

You can post in any category related to Digital Marketing. Please keep your post in topic to make sure it will be published on our blog. Category could be related to blogger outreach, link building, content marketing, social media blogging, blog writing, B2B content writing, content creation, content strategy, guest blogging, SEO blogging -- any topic related to Digital Marketing will be welcome.

Send us your articles by email to anamaria @

Closing Note on the Guest Post submission:

We don’t charge you for your guest post submissions. You can submit as much articles as you want, and we will publish them for free.

Self-promotion in the body of your guest post is strictly prohibited. Use your author bio for this purpose. Your site's link should be added within your bio.

Republishing your own guest post on your blog is duplication, folks, and is not allowed.

The Outreach Bee reserves the right to edit and adapt each submission to meet our editorial standards.

Contributors can be from anywhere in the world, but all submissions must be in English for the time being.

The articles will not be removed from the blog after they have been published.

All links will be nofollow

All messages solely express the views of the author. Outreach Bee will not be responsible for the content of any message. You warrant that you will not post any message that is overtly commercial, obscene, vulgar, sexually oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise in violation of any laws. We reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any comment and/or account for any reason.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any question at all.

Thanks and Cheers,
The Outreach Bee Team