It is really laborious if you are going to do SEO at your own. Like if you want to search for the best keywords for your niche you start collecting data by start searching for each keyword. It would kill you very soon and you will get fed up from SEO soon, as well. On contrary, If you have a good collection of free SEO tools and getting all the laborious work from them to get the reports to decide what is good and what is not, believe you me, you would be living in the heaven. This is not me but every SEO professional doing SEO or any social media marketer who is in the business love to keep the collection of free SEO tools. These tools actually relief you from many hours of doing laborious work and give you room to focus on more important things in your job.
Just imagine someone who has hired 2 to 3 resources to do jobs like keyword research, finding back links from competitor’s site, creating and managing email lists of subscribers and to set the list for new campaigns on Excel files. You would have get exhausted even after listening to all this detail, right? This person is spending more money and resources on the tasks which s/he can even perform at not cost to the company. Yes, you are right to understand that the job can be done at no cost to company. If s/he choose to do the same tasks with free SEO analysis tools the results would be more efficient and give a great ROI.
keyword research by Ubersuggest | best free seo tools
The starting point in running an online business is to collect a list of selling keywords. And for the purpose there are two tools works great.
Ubersuggest is my first choice to have a best free seo tools for keyword research. The best quality of this Ubersuggest is its simplicity. As I remember when I first went to this tool to have some keyword research, the flow was as simple as ABC. And every next option is self-explanatory. Like I never went to any Google or YouTube to learn how to use any feature of this tool. I am extremely sure that if anyone is using the tool for keyword research, they will get in love with it.
The other best part of Ubersuggest keyword Ideas is it only shows what is necessary. There are many other tools for the purpose but they are complex. And I myself reluctant to use them. And when I put the collection of keywords into my workflow, it paid back my time and efforts I put on the keyword research.
MozBar & Back links by Ubersuggest | free seo audit tools for link building
Link building is the most important thing after have an extensive keyword research and on-page content creation. When it comes to creating back links the first thing that comes to any SEO’s mind is the domain authority and page authority.
MozBar is very first name that comes to mind when it the job to search for authentic domains and pages on the web. For the purpose simply download the MozBar into your browser, say Chrome, and then start finding the Domain Authority and Page Authority of any website. Doing so you will have a better picture of all the targeted domains from the web or from the back links of your competitors. You then will be in position to select and ignore the domains and keep of your choice.
Back links by Ubersuggest is another segment of Ubersuggest. Similar to keyword ideas by Ubersuggest, the interface and the values are as simple as of a Grade 3 class lesson. User don’t need to find out instead every information is in-front of you. Simply login to Ubersuggest with a Gmail account and then good to go. Type in your competitor’s URL and you will have all the back links from your competitor’s back link profile. Select them according to your back link creating strategy and good to go. Again, efforts put with Ubersuggest pays you back. Hats off!
Panguin Tool | free SEO analyzer tools for technical SEO
It was so amazing to know that Google makes 9 updates a day means 3285 updates a year. If you ask me to cater with all these updates, my answer will be no. This is so damn technical to handle SEO in such a scenario.
Panguin tool is a free seo analyzer tools which will help you find out if you are going to hit by any Google update or not. This is a great tool to start with to get to know either you are on the right path or going on the wrong direction. Well on the other hand I you are hit by any Google update, Panguin the free seo analyzer tool will let you know how you can recover from it. Jaw dropping? Yes it is.
PPC VS SEO: Which One Should You Go for?
What is link juice in SEO, and how can you acquire it?