In the modern age, there are many ways that businesses can use to advertise their products or services. In the past decade, influencers have been playing a huge role in advertising on social media thanks to their online presence and targeted audience. With the increase in types of social media influencers at your disposition, you may not know all the kinds of social media influencers that you can work with! In this article, we will explore the many social media influencer types that you can find and how you can work with one of them to grow your business.
What is an Influencer?
An influencer could be anyone from an average Facebook user with 500+ friends posting interesting articles they’ve found around the web, all the way up to top-level bloggers like Gary Vaynerchuk or Seth Godin. There are hundreds of thousands of people out there right now who have some sort of following, but as your business grows you may look for more targeted influencers that can help you reach a specific demographic or audience. In this blog post we’re going to explore three different types of social media influencers and the major differences between them.
Influencer vs Celebrity Endorser: What is the Difference?
First, let’s touch on something important! There is a difference between an influencer and a celebrity endorser. While both target a specific group of people with similar interests, celebrities are paid by companies to endorse their products while influencers have built up followings on their own accord. Whether they’re being compensated or not, though, both work together with companies in order to create content that will give value to potential customers without directly selling themselves out.
What do Influencers Expect from You?
It is important to note that many social media influencers today are running their own businesses in addition to being influencers. Some may be looking for partners who can give them discounts or free product to review, while others will charge a monthly fee for ad campaigns. No matter the case, it’s always best practice to do your research before you reach out to an influencer so you know what kind of value you’ll get from working with them.
3 Types of Social Media Influencers
While there are dozens of kinds of social media influencers on the market, here are three of them that you may be looking for your influencer marketing campaign!
Craft Bloggers
A craft blogger has built themselves up around creating DIY crafts and sharing their progress online through Video blogging (vlogging) and blogging. They may also have an Instagram presence where they post photos of their crafts, but this isn’t as important. A craft blogger does not need to be a public figure or celebrity, just an avid crafter with a knack for knowing how to create something out of nothing!
Crafting is becoming increasingly popular throughout the world as people look to stay busy and creative after work hours. Craft blogs like and sites like Pinterest are great places for finding talented crafters who will make high-quality products. Often times a craft blogger can make a living doing what they love, which means less outside guidance from businesses trying to sell them on buying their product.
How You Can Work with a Craft Blogger
If you’re looking for a blogger to promote your product, craft bloggers are perfect. They’re able to make high-quality crafts that showcase your product and give it value without making the post seem like an ad for your business.
If you run a local crafting store and would like to partner up with a craft blogger in order to get more exposure, we recommend reaching out to them through their blog or Instagram account. Craft bloggers typically do not have very large following so they will be more likely to work with you if they can see how they can benefit from this partnership! A simple way of doing this is adding “trade only” buttons on pinning sites so when someone clicks on one of their pins they are redirected to your site where they can request permission to trade products.
Entrepreneur Influencers
An entrepreneur influencer is running their own business but also has a strong social media following. They may have started off as a normal influencer who was able to build up an online presence, but now they’ve created a brand of their own that drives traffic back to them for ad revenue or affiliate sales. It’s important that these individuals are running their own business in addition to being an influencer, otherwise they wouldn’t be considered entrepreneurs!
Entrepreneur influencers can come from any background, whether it’s fashion blogging, starting an e-commerce business, or simply creating a how-to website. It’s important to understand what type of entrepreneur influencer you’re working with since this will help determine the best way to work with them.
How You Can Work with an Entrepreneur Influencer
Entrepreneur influencers typically have large social media followings that are very engaged and interested in what they post online. These individuals were able to build up their social media presence by posting quality content on social media sites like Instagram and Facebook, which means they attract people who may be interested in buying from your store!
Since these bloggers are running their own businesses it’s important that any promotional materials you provide for them create a sense of value without making them seem like an advertisement for your business. Not only will this make your partnership more mutually beneficial, it’s also something that can easily be done by adding in links to your company website in the “About” section of the entrepreneur’s website.
Bloggers and vloggers are influencers that fall into the expert category. Vloggers, like YouTubers document, their lives in videos on a daily basis. This content can be educational or entertainment-based, with their goal being to engage with their audience. Bloggers provide written content for readers to consume. Much like bloggers, bloggers might take on various types of content- some might blog about lifestyle while others might blog about health and fitness. Both bloggers and vloggers provide value to their audience by providing reliable information in an entertaining way.
How You Can Work with Vloggers
YouTube vloggers also provide an excellent opportunity for you to reach out to a whole new set of influencers. One way that they’re able to do this is through collaborations with your business. These collaborations can take any number of forms, such as making a product review, mentioning it on their main channel or creating a sponsored video. Whatever collaboration you decide upon, it’s worth bearing in mind the power of vloggers – even more so than other types of influencers. Often, you can find an email address attached to these YouTube channels to reach out to the vlogger and discuss a partnership. What’s even better is that these YouTubers are often eager to find sponsorships, therefore, this can make it easier for you to land a deal with one of them!
How Can Outreach Bee Help You Find Influencers?
At Outreach Bee, we are experts in everything marketing related. When it comes to social media influencers, we have great contacts and can connect your business with a suitable social media influencer that can pick your business up off the ground.
Our team of professional campaign managers has years of experience in social media influencing and can help you choose the best influencer for your business needs and goals. Contact our team to get started today!
In conclusion, many businesses that do not currently work with social media influencers often have no idea that there are so many different types of influencers out there. No matter your business niche, there are hundreds of influencers out there that can boost your sales and audience. The world of social media influencing is endless when it comes to possibilities!
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