Quality outshines Quantity, when it comes to content creation. Content is the most important part in the content marketing. Many of us would be in the practice of content creation daily just to be a part of the race, who want boosting traffic to their respective sites, and who doesn’t? Writing huge number of words, and creating huge articles filled with a large number of key words for SEO purposes, might satisfy your inner urge of writing more and more every day. However, we need to think user specific while blogging, readers won’t prefer rhetoric, verbosity, or boring material.
The reader wants an interesting, catchy, informational and high quality content. Collectively these readers’ demands can be termed as “quality”- meaning that your reader demands quality content. Internet is filled with trash, clumsy content that lacks quality. Your potential clients want uniqueness, authenticity, and something interesting.
Writing a blog or two for your website everyday may not fulfill the reader’s above mentioned requirements, because a quality blog needs research, and research needs time coupled with your dedication, to provide content worth reading for your readers. In this article I’m going to explain, How content creation over several days impacts the quality of your blog?
Quality matters in Content Creation
Quality must be the top most priority of a writer when it comes to creating blogs. An article that is well-researched contains authentic facts and figures, will help provide useful information to its readers for years to come.
Meaning that high quality content is timeless. Being a blogger you need to focus on content creation that’s less in quantity but not less in quality. The expression doesn’t mean that you need to write a content of 400-600 words strictly; it means that you should limit the number of articles or blogs per week either on the site or through blogger outreach.
Your blog needs to stand out from rest of the blogs present in search Engines, the only secret to achieve this goal is “quality”. If you’re the one who wants recognition in the Digital World, and the one who wants seeing himself as an authority in the eyes of his/her readers, you’re advised to write one blog a week. The best approach would be devising a schedule form brain storming, to creating outline, to filling in details, to publishing the content, and to promoting it. All this might be a 3 to 4 days task in total.
Why several day’s content creation plan is good?
Many a times you’re the writer as well as the editor, and also the sole content promotional agent. This bunch of responsibilities might overwhelm you at times. Work load coupled with short deadlines might put you under stress, which might lead you to create under-quality content. The best way to fight off work related stress is to spread the content creation process over several days.
Several days’ blog creation process may help your creative juices flow effectively. You avail enough time to think about your content; when you’re travelling with your cute kids, when you’re sipping a cup of hot coffee while watching downy flakes out the window panes, or when you’re doing any un-related task- your mind’s bulb is on all the times.
Similarly, several days’ blog creation process enables you to catch those mistakes that you used to miss previously, while you were writing a blog a day. Returning to your piece of writing after a break gives you “fresh eyes” to better spot errors and needs for correction.
One strong piece of content per week might prove itself for attracting more qualified readers; proving a unique, informative, and interesting piece of writing. Attracting more and more readers to your site means; boosting traffic to your site, increasing popularity of your product/service, converting customers to your business, and last but not the least generating revenue for you.
Divide content creation over several days
One of the effective ways of dividing content creation over several days is, a four days planning technique. Day one is the brainstorming day. Day two is to write everything about the ideas you thought or the outline you drew to create your content on day one. Day three is for polishing the content, and preparing for publishing phase. Day four is for publishing, promotion and propagation of your created content. When it comes to writing blog/articles the next most important step is publishing of that content.
When you publish your content on a consistent basis both the people and search engines notice your site, and you may build your desired audience for your business effectively. Publishing one new piece of writing once a week offers you a sustainable schedule you can stick to consistently.
Day One | How to brainstorm?
On the day one you need to choose the topic you’re going to write on, and to pour every idea out of your mind for your blog post. It’s advised to have a “content idea library”, a term mention in the book, the Master Content Marketing. The term is used for the reservoir of the content ideas that you consistently maintain, and which suit the categories of your website. You draw an idea from already maintained content idea library and activate your mind’s imaginative powers to write about that idea.
Day one is very crucial in your content creation process, for you build the backbone of your content that day. That backbone further consists of two vital parts; headline and subheads for your blog post. The Headline is the most important part for the promotion of your blog. The headline should be catchy enough to attract and compel the readers to click on your content.
You need to invest enough time to generate a number of headlines, and choose the one for your content that seems most attractive to you. A clichéd, dull or boring headline might ruin your precious piece of writing. There is no exhaustive list for the amount of headline ideas; you might generate plenty of headlines-the more the better.
Write Sub-heads
Once you choose your headline the next step is to write your subheads. Map out your subheads meticulously, for they guide your reader through your blog post, just like the signposts in your town guides the visitors. However, these subheads are as important for the writer as are for the reader.
These subheads provide you an outline to develop the ideas that you want to present to your readers in the blog post. For a 1500 words article 5 to 6 subheads would be ideal. You might choose whatever medium you want to start writing your content; that might be your laptop, your sticky notes, or the paper and pen. The next thing is mind mapping, you can choose mind mapping free software for that purpose. Mind maps help you integrate your ideas to be utilized later on, on the day two. Note down every idea that strikes your mind related to the topic you chose to write on. Once you’re done thinking, arrange your random ideas in the systematic way that makes sense, and that could be elaborated logically in the second phase of the process.
Day two | write down everything
Even after you’re done with the brainstorming phase, ideas never stop hailing your mind. You need to remember them for the day two i.e. the day of filling in content for the pre-thought ideas for the content creation. First off, you need to review the headlines and subheads; make changes that you find necessary to do. It’s worth investing sometime to fixing loopholes in the headline or the subheads (if there are any) before you start writing the main body of the content.
Secondly, the next step is writing the first sentences, it acts as the main magnetic pull for your blog, which attracts clients to read what you write. A striking, beautifully written first sentence will do the job for your blog. Thirdly, writing an attractive introduction is the next step, which also helps your reader decide whether to keep on reading the blog or move on. Finally, you need to write a summary of the content, which describes your whole piece of writing in a nut shell, and don’t forget to include “call to action” at the end of your content. The call to action might be a request to your reader to leave a comment, or a subscription to your blog page.
Remember at first draft
The next step is writing your first draft. The first draft needs to be finished quickly, because it might not be as perfect as you want to see your finished content. So, you might write few drafts, till you reach the final winning content for your post. Draft after draft you might be polishing the weaknesses of the previous draft.
At the end of day two, your content must be done. You need to write write and write that day. However, you don’t need to edit or polish your draft that very day. Day three will serve this purpose.
Day Three & Four | Polishing at Pre-publish polishing
After writing the first draft, it’s time to polish that junky piece of writing, which needs editing as well as proofreading. On day three you will have plenty of time to review your first draft, make necessary changes, and polish your blog. This polishing and editing is preparing you for the final step, which is publishing.
Day four is the publishing day. Now your perfect piece of content is ready to be published. Your publishing needs to be scheduled keeping in mind your potential clients, for instance; if your blog is “How to spend a joyous weekend with your family, some useful tips.” It should be published before weekend, so the readers may benefit from the tips you wrote for them. You should plan that four day’s content creation process keeping in mind your date and time of publishing that piece of content.
“How Content Creation over several days, Impacts the quality of your blog?” might have answered many of your unanswered questions in this regard. If you find it helpful for improving your Content Marketing, don’t forget to share it with your friends to help them too.
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