Newsletters For Small Businesses
Distribution of informative content can really assist a small business by demonstrating your expertise and keeping you front of mind with your clients and prospects. Regular emailed newsletters are an effective method of communicating your brand, announcing discounts or promotions, engaging with your market and ultimately generating leads and sales.
While any online content can be useful, there are ways to ensure you are gaining the most traction from your newsletters. Follow these steps to maximise your return on investment.
1. Be Informative
It is important that your newsletters or blog posts offer new information every time. You want you clients to be learning new things about your business, and the value you represent to their business. Repeating the same message consistently will dilute the impact of the newsletter, and eventually you will lose your readership.
2. Be an Expert
The delivery of your newsletter has attracted the attention of your prospective client, so now is the time to demonstrate your expertise. Show that you are an expert in your business, but also show you are an expert in their business. If you can demonstrate to your prospects that you understand the pain they are experiencing, you are halfway to convincing them you can solve it.
3. Be Professional
Newsletters and blog posts will be seen by your clients as reflective of your business. They are the perfect branding opportunity, and one of the methods you have to differentiate yourself from your competitors. While it is vital to understand your preferred audience, it is even vitaller to understand grammar and punctuation (did you catch the deliberate error I cunningly slipped into that sentence). In all seriousness, poorly written, formatted or edited newsletters do your business and brand irreparable damage. However, that little play on words neatly segues into the last point.
4. Be Entertaining
You are not writing news copy, and while some of what you are publishing is (hopefully) going to engage the reader due to the topics being discussed, it is crucial that you deliver the message in a readable and entertaining manner. Your writing should be light where it can be, and serious where necessary. But remember, entertaining newsletters are memorable, and that is exactly the point.
Always remember that effective writing sounds like someone is speaking. Maintain your voice, keep your content fresh, informative and entertaining, and you will see the results in time.
If you would like to know more about creating effective, targeted and engaging newsletters, comment down below.
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