Small Business Marketing

Small Business Marketing Agency

Have you been searching for the most effective way to get the word out about why you’re the one to turn to in your particular niche?

Are you trying to raise your site higher in the SERPs without employing techniques that could get you into trouble with Google?

Do you wish you had a way to employ influencers to spread the word about your brand, but you don’t want to get bogged down trying to manage influencer marketing campaigns?

It’s time to take command of your content marketing.

Outreach Bee: The Digital Marketing Agency for Small Businesses

With a top-flight team that specializes in managing content marketing campaigns for small businesses, and a network of tried-and-true influencers adept at expanding your brand recognition, Outreach Bee is your proven content marketing partner.

What Is Content Marketing?

First, let’s nail down what the term “content marketing” actually means in today’s online marketing arena. If you’ve been marketing a business online for a while now, content marketing might bring back bad memories of hundreds or even thousands of barely legible articles outsourced to the lowest bidder in an effort to generate as many backlinks to your site as possible – regardless of where they came from. Well, no longer. Now that Google has put a stop to that practice by disregarding backlinks from low authority sites, as well as learning to tell the difference between an informative article and a useless one, content marketing has evolved into a multipronged method of using content on other sites as well as your own to increase your search engine ranking, spread word about your brand, and ultimately drive enthusiastic traffic into your sales funnel.

Small Business Marketing Agency: Types of Content Marketing

Okay, so how do you do this? More importantly, how do you do it without running afoul of Google’s terms of service and potentially getting your site penalized or even delisted?

Well, the good news is that when you work with Outreach Bee, you won’t have to worry that you might be doing something that Google won’t like. All of our services are specifically engineered using Whitehat techniques guaranteed to keep you on the right side of Google.

With that out of the way, here’s a snapshot of the various kinds of content marketing we can help you with here at Outreach Bee:

Link Building

Remember all those low-quality articles referred to above? Well, link building has come a long way since the old days of throwing reams of content around the web and seeing what would stick. These days, that approach will get you delisted.

Now, link building is a painstaking, manual process which involves reaching out to high traffic, high authority sites in your niche and convincing them to create links from quality content on their site back to your site. While definitely more involved than yesterday’s automated approach, this gives you huge bang for your backlinking buck. Instead of using automated agents to try to create as many backlinks as possible, now just a handful of manually created backlinks can give a huge boost to your search engine ranking. While you can still employ automated methods, any gains in search engine ranking are likely to be temporary, and you risk being penalized or even delisted from Google, which is a brand’s worst nightmare.

Blog Content Creation

Yes, blogs are still relevant tools for business these days, and for many of the same reasons they were useful back in the 90s. Part of what makes content marketing work is becoming an expert in your niche and creating quality content around that expertise. If you do this on a third-party site and then link that content back to your site, you can increase your search engine ranking and thus enjoy higher traffic to your site.

However, you typically don’t want to toot your own horn, so content on your blog should be of general interest to anyone in your niche. This is a long-term content marketing vehicle that will yield increasing dividends for your site as your domain rank continues to rise. The key lies in the creation of quality content. If you don’t have the time or inclination to do it yourself, you’ll want to find a reputable marketing company for small business to do it for you.

Blogger Outreach

If you’re not gonna toot your own horn, then who will? Why, another blogger, of course. Better yet, you want a blogger with serious street cred in your niche who has a significant following and genuine engagement with your target audience. The process of reaching out to these people and convincing them to create content promoting your brand is called blogger outreach.

There are typically two ways to nurture relationships with relevant bloggers: Either you pay them directly to promote your products, or you give them products in exchange for promotion. Regardless of which method you choose, you’ll then need to manage your relationship and ensure each blogger is creating quality, engaging content. Most importantly, you’ll want to make sure each blogger is happy with your arrangement and would like to continue working with you.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is similar to blogger outreach in everything but the medium. Rather than reaching out to bloggers, you’re reaching out to influencers across social media from Facebook to TikTok and everywhere in between. Influencers are people with significant social media followings of at least 1,000 who just love to try the latest and greatest products and crow about how good they are. Can you see how this could benefit your brand?

Just as with blogger outreach, the key is growing the number of influencers going to bat for your brand and managing these relationships over time. Most small businesses don’t have the staff to do this themselves, so you’ll need a small business marketing company that can take care of the grunt work for you without busting your budget.

Taken together, manual link building, content creation, blogger outreach and influencer marketing form a powerful combination of content marketing activities that can bring hordes of enthusiastic traffic to your site in the short term while boosting your authority and search engine ranking in the long term.

Why Outreach Bee, The Small Business Marketing Agency?

Probably the most critical characteristic of an effective marketing company for small business is their thoroughness. You need someone who won’t cut corners and will put your company front and center in everything they do. That’s Ana Maria and Outreach Bee.

Ana Maria De La Cruz, founder of Outreach Bee, has been the queen of content marketing since the dawn of social media. She has worked tirelessly to build teams of consummate blogger outreach and influencer marketing management professionals who embody her work ethic and customer-centric approach. The result is a highly skilled group of professionals who will work tenaciously using the latest and greatest tools for business combined with good old-fashioned charisma to achieve or exceed your content marketing campaign goals.

More specifically, here’s why you’ll want to bring Outreach Bee onboard as your content marketing partner:

  • Complete Campaign Management: Whether it’s blog content creation, link building or influencer marketing, Outreach Bee offers a complete campaign management solution. From start to finish, we’ll help you establish ambitious but achievable goals, ensure the creation of quality content or backlinks, do whatever it takes to manage your influencer, blogger, or link-building relationships, and then keep you in the loop with ongoing results and a comprehensive report when it’s all said and done.

  • Link Building The Right Way: Today, the right way = the manual way. The days of feeding your URL into an algorithm and getting back 500 bottom-shelf backlinks are done. Link building the right way requires real legwork. From analyzing your niche, to reaching out to the big players, to creating content (if necessary), and finally, to receiving those valuable backlinks, we’ll be there all the way. Most importantly, you can count on quality backlinks that won’t get you into trouble with Google.

  • Here For The Long Haul: Ana Maria has done all things digital marketing for over two decades, and our team is replete with researching, content creation and outreach experts with cumulative experience that exceeds even Ana Maria’s tenure. The result is an honest-to-goodness company that’s about as far from a fly-by-night operation as you can get.

  • Here for Every Small Business: Okay, so maybe you don’t have the money to work with the largest influencers or get a hundred backlinks overnight; you can still take full advantage of content marketing with Outreach Bee. We’ll work within your budget to put together effective content marketing campaigns that will achieve or exceed both short-term and long-term goals. We’ll be here as long as you need us, and as we continue to work together, you’ll see firsthand the power of content marketing done right.

Outreach Bee: Your Small Business Marketing Company

Let’s Get To Know Each Other

At Outreach Bee, our client-centric approach means we want to get to know you. Everything is equally important, from your long-term vision to your short-term goals. Yes, this takes time, but it pays for itself in spades as we better understand what you truly want to achieve with your business. This allows us to tailor our services to your specific needs and make recommendations that will help you thrive.

It all starts with, you guessed it, a form!

Just tell us a bit about you and when you’d like to meet, and we’ll be right back with you.

Originally coined over 15 years ago, the saying “content is king” is just as true today. Well, now’s your chance to work with the queen of content marketing! But just as our client-centric approach means we can truly get to know you and help you see the results you want.

So, if you’re ready to put the power of fully managed content marketing to work for your brand, the time to act is now! Of course, there’s no obligation on your part.

Contact Us Today, and let the queen of content marketing put your brand in the limelight!